Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jill Lewis Mystery Trilogy #1, "The Chase" by Robin Shope and Susan Wales

Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company (February 2004)
ISBN-10: 0800759346
ISBN-13: 978-0800759346

Jill Lewis is a reporter who just busted a child trafficking scheme by the popular senator Burke, that will make her a household name. However, it all blows up in her face when new documents magically spring up, proving the adoptions that Senator Burke was involved in were all legit. Jill then loses her job, followed by her boyfriend of three years. Not knowing what to do, she decides to return to her hometown in Wisconsin. Here, she temporarily moves in with her mom and gets a job at the town's newspaper. Secretly, she continues her investigation of the senator. Trouble however, seems to follow Jill, from someone breaking into her house, to someone trying to push her off the road. She then decides to confide in her new boss, Craig. Together the two of them question the real reason behind the death of Jill's dad, discovering that he may be involved with what his daughter was investigating.

Jill, although proud at the start, eventually accepts Jesus into her life. But she is never annoying or selfish in her disbelief, instead simply hesitant to trust God.
Craig, her mysterious boss, is slightly confusing to understand, as he seems to keep Jill at an arms length. It's easy to relate to Jill's anguish over her feelings for him.
Pearl, Jill's mom, is another character that becomes hard to understand. Jill's sister is the same way, as everyone seems to have something to hide.
Marge is a character to note, as reading of her outrageous outfits often made me laugh.

There were few flaws I found through this story. The first, being how Jill makes her change from being against Christianity, to suddenly being for it. The conversion seems to happen over one supernatural experience, instead of just gradually over the year she spends home. I thought she should have fought with the change, instead of ignoring it then suddenly being gung-ho.
They're were also rare moments where I would pause and think, "that doesn't seem natural", like Craig's reaction to receiving such a momentous gift-casual and nonchalant. It could have been Craig just being odd, but Jill has no reaction to HIS reaction. Again, these are rather minor complaints, and might even go unnoticed by some.

Overall, I would give this mystery/suspense novel four out of five stars. Definitely a page turner.

Unfortunately, neither authors have homepages, and this is only available used at Your best bet would probably be to go to you nearest Christian store, and look in the bargain section. More likely though, you'll find it at a Christian outlet store.

Next up, I'll review Book #1 of the Circle Series, "Black", by Ted Dekker.

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