Friday, October 21, 2011

"Dragonlight" by Donita K. Paul

Paperback: 377 pages
Publisher: WaterBrook Press (June 17, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1400073782

In the final installment of the DragonKeeper Chronicles, Bardon wants his wife to go on an adventure, and persuades her to leave her castle behind to her parents. Together they head out to meet up with Gilda and Regidor, who are in search of the lost Meech colony, where they wish to present their egg. Along the way, they learn about a cult that claims only they know about Paladin's truth (created by Pretender) and a hoard of small, black dragons that attack everything in their path.

Holt returns to our story and lends himself to infiltrate the cult called Paladise. Barden sees potential in the marione but Holt claims he is only doing it for the money. Regidor, using his ability to see a persons aura, says otherwise.
Seezle, a kimen, is assigned to watch over Holt. You might remember her from the first book. She is sweet and rather charming.
Sittiponder also makes a return, and is severely affected from one event. He still continues to watch over Toopka and still hears those same 'voices'.
Gilda has evolved from the last book from annoying to totally unbearable.
Toopka isn't her usual self, and Kale wonders for the first time about the doneel's history. She plays a large part in the ending and her character finally develops.

The journey to catch up with Gilda and Regidor is hampered by many things, mainly the killer dragons that come out of nowhere and are vanquished just as quickly (although not before harming Kale).
Kale and Bardon add finding its source to their list of things to do. Not to mention a mysterious growth has appeared in Toopa's chest. While Dar deems in harmless, mystery swarms around her and for the first time the reader wonders who Toopka really is. You also get an interesting look at the many other wizards of Amara.

A suitable ending to the series full of action and originality, not to mention a satisfying epilogue, I give "Dragonlight" fours stars out of four. *feels like a movie announcer* (Do people even rate books with stars?)

If your wish to learn more about the Dragonkeeper Chronicles, check out Mrs. Pauls website.

You can buy the book at

Up next, I'll review "The Vanishing Sculptor" by Donita K. Paul.

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