When a sickness comes upon the forest Torak goes off to find a cure. Eventually he is sent to the Sea, but a run in with some seal Clan members goes bad and suddenly he is kidnapped by them. All the while Renn and Wolf try to track him.
Torak still feels like an outsider in the Raven Clan. He is used to being on his own and doesn't confide in Renn before leaving.
Renn is mad that Torak left her. She clearly wants him to know that he can rely on her and worries for him.
Wolf returns, having being separated from Torak at the end of the last book. He has been with a wolf pack on the mountain. But he finds Torak is gone, so instead seeks out Renn so there is a different aspect to their relationship.
Bale is a member of the Seal clan, one of the few who take him to the Seal Island. He is only a year older than Torak and the one who he works the hardest to win over. He doesn't trust Torak at first but slowly learns to respect him.
Mage Tenris is the mage of the seal clan. Part of his body is scarred from fire. He quickly becomes a mentor figure to Torak, who finds him much more open than Fin-kedinn ever was.
The pacing is just as good as the first book. There is trouble from all sides, as Torak realizes someone is hunting him as well as the Seal Clan being an issue. Then there is the search for the cure where Torak has to fight off some animals. And of course there is the mystery villain.
There is some conflict with Torak's relationship with Wolf as well as with Renn. Wolf gets so mad at being ignored by Torak that he runs off and leaves him. It is because Torak refused to listen to his warnings.
The same thing happens with Renn, as he argues with her about her suspicions. She doesn't trust the Seal clan and he does. Although Renn doesn't leave, he still ends up ignoring her warnings.
And before that, Renn is mad that he left her behind in the first place. He explains that it's dangerous but she points out it's dangerous everywhere with this new sickness.
There is one scene where you might nitpick that Torak comes off as dumb. Renn knows the identity of the villain. But Torak refuses to believe her. All because she supposedly has the sickness (she does have one scab on her). To be fair, Torak wants a place to belong (as he doesn't feel he belongs in the Raven Clan). And after all, his father was Seal clan. They are his kin.
Since Ren and Torak spend most of the time apart, there are two stories being told. Paver puts these together well as Renn discovers a mystery that ends up being important. I liked this, because Renn didn't get even half the amount of time that Torak got. It weaves well into Torak's story when they realize that a whale seems to hunting someone in particular.
Also, we got to see scenes with her and Wolf, alone. She still feels awkward but tries to communicate like she sees Torak do. It was sweet to see. She has to learn to trust him when he heads in the opposite way that she thought she was supposed to go.
Although it's noted that she still feels like an intruder when Torak and Wolf are back together.
In the first book, The Raven Clan mentions a prophecy about Torak being the listener. But Torak doesn't understand the full implications. He has various out of body experiences in this book. He eventually confides in someone who tells him about what he is.
There is a hint that Wolf knows something about Torak that he does not. It is sweetly revealed to Torak in the ending.
Torak knows he is being watched, as he hears laughter and a tree is cut down, almost crushing his lean-to. The deep forest clan say “Tokoroth” before leaving him. Eventually Renn shows up and explains what it is. Turns out it was once a person but is now a demon and it only obeys it's creator.
Torak helps retrieve a root called Silkis that is stuck on a very high and dangerous cliff. Surrounded by eagles protecting their nest as well. After all of this he ends up having to face a surprise villain while Wolf, Renn and Bale watch from afar.
Fin-kedinn finally tells Torak about his Fa and the history of the Soul Eaters setting up the next books.
Paver creates another fast paced story where Torak, Renn and Wolf all learn new things about each other, making mistakes along the way. We finally learn the history of the Soul Eaters while also learning about Torak's need for a mentor, a home and a male friend. I give “Spirit Walker” four stars.

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