After receiving the first part of the pipe, Lief is onto the second Island where he meets a group of people that have lived in darkness after being expelled from their original home. There they are told the pipe is impossible to get to. But they don't let that stop them.
Penn is one of the descendants from the Island of Auron. She is crucial to the plot as she shows them where the island is, lets them stay at her home and reveals their history.
The pacing is good. Right off the bat we encounter a group of monsters that take their prey and create clay coffins for them. Lief and co have to figure out a way to escape and once they do, they have to figure out how to save Barda while not being able to get close to him.
We learn about the Aurons, then see why the pipe is so well protected. Not long after we're moving again, going after it. The story only slows to tell us important information.
In the beginning of the the story, Lief recalls the attempts on his life. He gives more details then in the first book where it was mentioned rather briefly. He mentions how the attacks came from people whom no one suspected and no one could believe. And that's why he worried about who he could trust.
Jasmine plays a key role again, as she says something that gives Lief an idea as to how to retrieve the next piece of the Pirran pipe. Also, she being the confident climber, easily leads the way.
This time, the puzzle is not so obvious. It has to do with a history story that Barda, Jasmine and Lief get to read. There are a few hints that they are not being told the whole truth.
There is a disagreement between Lief and Jasmine when Jasmine says he can be ruthless when it comes to his people. Lief doesn't understand her hostile behavior. But there isn't much discussion between them. There is a certain moment where we learn Jasmine thinks that people must hate her delaying his wedding.
Jinks returns to Deltora only to tell everyone that Lief and Barda are dead. Sharn treats him well but it's revealed she doesn't' believe him. Neither does Marilen. He tries to cause more trouble but only adds a mystery.
Once again the spiders play a role. When Barda is trapped, one spider is with him, so the other tries to break in to get to him. It inadvertently ends up distracting the giant spiders so Lief can escape.
Jasmine initially hears that Marilen is to be Lief's bride. She ends up being a side character as she has quite a few scenes with other characters in the castle. She seems innocent and meek but eventually it's revealed she is brave and can be bold. There are a few mysteries that are set up, besides the question if she is really Lief's bride.
Lief and his friends finally get inside the area where they believe the pipe is. They start to suspect that they haven't been told everything. They accidentally end up destroying the city and having to try and escape the giant spiders outside it. Afterwards they confront the Auron about the lies.
Rodda creates a fast paced story with scary, new monsters and a side story that keeps you guessing. My only complaint is the lack of communication between Lief and Jasmine. I give “The Isle of Illusion” four stars.

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