Arthur is ready to get the sixth key and find the next part of the will. But he has to deal with himself as his new nature appears and he becomes less and less human.
Arthur develops a new problem, mainly being dealing with new feelings and thoughts that are not his own. His nature is changing.
Suzy teams up with Arthur again, also meeting up with Leaf. She is still a source of humor, but not much else as she refuses to develop.
Leaf has her own story, but eventually her's merges with Suzy's. She is still brave but rather lacking in motivation or any depth. She has no contact with her family or any other characters she is close to. Perhaps that would have helped her seem less two dimensional.
Superior Saturday was the first denizen that the Architect made. Because of this, she believes the Incomparable Gardens that belong to Sunday should be hers. Her sin is envy.
The pacing is the same as the previous in the series. Not too fast or too slow. The story goes back and forth between Arthur and Leaf but I didn't feel like this increased the pace. I was more interested in Arthur's story than Leaf's. I just never felt any connection to her character. At one time I felt that with Arthur (mainly because of my sympathy for him).
Because of her envy, Saturday has been building a tall tower for centuries. It's a weird system of moving offices, like building blocks. It was definitely original and detailed.
Arthur is now more denizen than human. Because of this, he has to fight his new thoughts. Ones of anger and condescension. He lashes out once at someone and starts ranting to Doctor Scamandros. But he usually keeps his new feelings quiet. I was disappointed he didn't share his struggle with Suzy, or anyone for that matter.
Turns out the Incomparable gardens where the first thing the architect made. I thought this was interesting as it copies many mythologies where the first thing created was a garden; paradise, as it were.
There is a short scene where Suzy mentions her past. I was disappointed, as I had hoped we might have learned more about who she was when she was alive. But instead we quickly move on. Arthur doesn't even inquire about it. I had hoped she would develop if she remembered more of her past, as I had little hope otherwise.
One of Arthur's older siblings makes an appearance. He works in the military. But there isn't any real relationship between him and Arthur. Even though Arthur has referenced him vaguely in the past.
Arthur realizes that he is being lied to and that Dame Primus is hiding the atlas from him. Through each book we have seen how immoral she is and how controlling and manipulative she is. Arthur never trusted her but her lies have become more obvious.
Arthur stands up to Dame Primus again, telling her to split up and make multiple Dame Primus'. He has stood up to her before, but this felt more forceful. As he didn't stop her from doing something, he actually came up with an idea and made her obey.
The old one asks what exactly Arthur is inheriting since he is the heir. This whole conversation seems more a philosophical one that a practical one. He says that even though the Architect likes to think she created mankind, she only created the possibility of them. And they are more than flesh. And he says that not everything that is not a human is not just a denizen.
Arthur reveals to Leaf that he learned that he was going to die that day at school. So everything that has happened since then is a bonus. This is a different attitude then he had previously, where he just wanted to get this over with and go home. But now he seems resigned to the fact that he may die here, but at least he got to live longer.
But he also still asks the Old One how he can turn back into a boy again. So it's kind of confusing to understand what he is thinking.
Arthur hears the will speak to him, but only for a few seconds. It seems to have been cut off. Arthur finally realizes when he heard the voice when he hears it again. I thought the truth about this will was very inventive.
And in order to find him, he has to live Suzy behind as he goes into a body of water. It was important to see that there was still a large part of Arthur left as he was upset about Suzy.
The sixth part of the will shares his philosophy. He says there is never an absolutely right thing to do. Just do what you believe and try to deal with the consequences.
I thought it was kind of vague and not helpful to Arthur. He didn't even bother debating him. And most would argue against it, as most believe killing an innocent person is absolutely wrong.
The idea that Arthur doesn't have any strong convictions to put his life on the line is not believable. No doubt he believes its absolutely right to attempt to attain the keys and the parts of the will. Or at least he did. And his motivation was quite clear, to keep his family safe which he believed absolutely.
Arthur learns the truth about the order of when the House and the Universe was made. As well as who is behind cleaning behind the ears.
Arthur arrives in the Incomparable Gardens. He fights off some huge bugs and eventually gets the key from Saturday. But the story is cut off as Arthur seems to be in immediate danger.
The idea for the sixth part of the will is creative as is the tower that Superior Saturday works in. My favorite aspect is how Arthur is having to fight his new nature as he is turning into something akin to a denizen.
But the relationships are still shallow and refuse to develop. And Arthur's motivation is kind of confusing. I give “Superior Saturday” three stars.