May and her friends continue on to seek out the help of the Lady. Once they do, they attempt to send May back home, even if that means having to go the heart of danger to do so.
May is still the leader of the group, although she still doubts herself. As well as the abilities of others (particularly Pumpkin). And her doubts are not at all illogical or just her feeling sorry for herself. You can't help but feel for her when she finally meets the Lady.
Pumpkin is still rather cowardly. But he does want to help, just like before. He even surprises everyone one time.
Bea doesn't' seem to play a big role, but she is important to the story as she gives May a reason to be bold and develop as a character.
Fabbio doesnt' have much of a role. Although he does help coax Pumpkin into leaving his horse behind.
The Bogey has elements of humor (which isn't hard when you think of 'boogy' and disco music). But he still feels threatening.
There are many chapter endings that cut off at the right time. For instance, May and her friends get carried away by poltergeists. In another they fall through a trap.
We get a short portion of the story where we learn when Bea met Fabbio. He was crying over his men's death and she ended up asking for him to come along and find her mom. It was a short paragraph and I was hoping for more. It was probably just a recap from the first book that I barely noticed the first time around.
When May and her friends meet Zero and other poltergeists, they stay for a few days, enjoying a rest. But it's said that May still feels like an outsider, because she always has been. But I feel like this kind of just inserted there, to remind us how she had no friends back home.
She made friends with Bea instantly, proving that she simply hadn't met the right person. And she clearly has an important role in the group by the end of the first book. I wish her role as an “outsider” had been more obvious, spread out with hints all over the first book and into this one.
May takes on another role of leadership when she discovers where Bea's mom may be. She eventually inquires about her and takes Bea to see her. I like how bold May has become. And she doesn't seem to realize it.
I like how no one had to point it out and it was a natural progression.
When May meets the lady she is surprised by her strange manner. She was the one who asked for May's help but her diagnosis is grim. And although she gives May directions on how to return home she doesn't seem to care that much about May, personally.
I wasn't sure what I was supposed to think of her, except for her diagnosis (which I expected to be either deceitful or something that motivated May to thwart).
Although I thought her description of Bo Cleevil was interesting and rather philosophical (which I wasn't expecting).
Lucius returns and eventually forgives May. He plays an important role as he teaches May a skill that helps her in a crucial moment.
He is not really a love interest, as May is still young and has other things to worry about. But their interactions are often charming as they clash and obviously have little experience with the opposite sex.
May discovers that she is not the only live on in the Ever after, there are actually lots of them. And they have hope that May will help defeat Bo Cleevil. But she isn't so sure and wrestles with her own doubts by this time.
May uses the bow and arrow she received from the Lady only to have the arrows limp uselessly to the ground, like flowers. It's not her lack of skill, as she can shoot them just fine.
May ends up being separated from the group and meets a strange man. Later on it's revealed who this was, and I wasn't surprised. But I was still pleased. Because the conversation she had with him was both interesting and ambiguous, I just wish it had been longer. It was obvious who he was but I didn't mind that much.
A new villain who is cat-like is sent after the so called the “wild hunters” to hunt down May. Unfortunately she is kind of cheesy. I didn't really feel entertained by her even though I think her existence may have supposed to have been kind of humorous (since she becomes aware of Somber kitty, and cats are supposed to be extinct).
When May and her friends get separated in a cave, May ends up seeing an older version of herself. Its interesting as we don't know why. And May doesn't share it with anyone else. Although when Arista shows up out of the blue to explain it, it felt kind of awkward.
Although it served another purpose, mainly Arista revealing that the Lady knows about everything (including the disastrous events that May has gone through). May gets upset that the Lady hasn't helped at all.
When Bo Cleevil realizes one of his servants failed him, he kills him, right in front of everyone, including May. But it isn't violent or gross (which is expected as this a childrens' book) but I felt like it was kind of anti-climatic. And other dies, too, but I didn't really care. I guess because this character was so cartoonish.
May approaches her exit only to find it doesn't seem to exist. She ends up escaping the Bo Cleevil with the help of all her friends and figures out the truth about her doorway home. But she debates about if she should leave, which is probably the climax of her character development (more so than her bravery and leadership roles).
May is still likable and develops at the climax. It feels natural and not rushed, as May has fought with her self doubt throughout the entire series.
The pacing is decent and the story is full of strange and silly characters (sometimes to its detriment, like the villains).
I actually feel like it is slight improvement on the first story. Although there are some of the same problems (mainly side stories I don't really have any interest in).
I thought the Lady added some interest by being such an ambiguous character and appreciated her description of Bo Cleevil.
I give “May Bird Among the Stars” three and a half stars.

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