Emma and Eadric are finally getting married. But first they are visiting Eadric's parents. But when his younger brother goes missing, its up to them to find him. To do that, they have to find the lair of the trolls. Along the way they meet a banshee, a group of cockatrice that turn you to stone if you look at them, and some not-so-friendly vampires.
Emma is confident in her magic and enjoys turning into a dragon on a regular basis. She still struggles to get along with her mother and wonders if Eadric's mother will ever accept her.
Eadric defends his fiance from the attacks of his mother at every chance and lacks the naivete that started arguments in the past. When Emma explains she feels she let him down about Bradston, he is comforting and supportive.
Lil tags along and there is an argument between her and Garrid. A spat between the bat and the vampire is short and has no bearing on the story. And when I was reading how Lil was mad that Garrid's family didn't know about her, I kept thinking...you're an animal. He's a man. Shouldn't he be embarrassed?
Garrid is still a cameo character we don't know much about. His presence is necessary to help Emma and Eadric out of a tough spot though.
Bradston is the younger brother of Eadric. He spends most of his time getting into trouble. He is demanding, whiny and entitled. He isn't even grateful when he's rescued.
Fatlippia is the troll queen. She is not much smarter than the others but with four heads is much larger. She adds mostly humor to the story.
Grunella is a troll that guards the caves where Bradston is being kept. Although big, she isn't too bright and her illness makes her no match for Emma and Eadric. She mostly serves to add humor to the story.
Queen Frazella is the same as she was in the last book. She doesn't like Emma because of her magic and doesn't treat her well, giving her a small room to stay at and letting her distaste known.
Although the book starts slow once it gets going, it's one thing after another. From giants, to griffons, to trolls, to cockatrices, to almost drowning. But there is plenty of slower paced times to even it out.
There isn't as many hints and tips at things to come in this story. Although we do discover Bradston is alright ahead of time and have time to wonder why and how.
Also, Emma finds out that the trolls were manipulated into kidnapping Bradston. But she doesn't ponder this much, as her wedding is going to take place. The only clue we get is when she spots a troll wearing a necklace with a ball on it.
There is still the same mood of silliness and whimsy, even though the danger exists.
Emma and Eadric meet a banshee who is sad that no one likes her, because she goes around foretelling deaths. Emma puts a spell on Bradston that produces amusing results and we meet two sea monsters that have a hilarious conversation.
After the many troubles that face them, when we reach the trolls in the caverns, their stupidity seems like a letdown. The reader might be expecting to have to fight the trolls but soon discover that is not necessary. They are easily outsmarted.
However, after finding Bradston, there are a few chapters left in the book. Baker doesn't fail, creating an army and a troll queen who is a fearsome foe. It may not be what the reader is expecting, but Baker manages to show us the wedding we have been waiting for but going out with a bang.
I would have liked Emma and Eadric's relationship to develop more than the short-lived doubts that Emma experiences about their marriage. I also would have had liked to see a serious fight or something that brought real doubts about their future marriage. But I still liked the story so I give “No place for magic” three and a half stars.

What do you think? Did you read this book? Agree or disagree with me on any points? Please let me know!
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