Emma is determined to turn back Grassina and undo the curse that turns all the women into her family into horrible, ugly creatures when they touch flowers. To do this, she must travel back in time to when the curse was enacted. There she meets her ancestors, two princesses: the rude but pretty Hazel, and her younger sister, Millie. But thinks prove harder than she expects when the kingdom has it's own problems, like harpies and a dragon. Emma knows she shouldn't interfere with the past, but surely she won't cause any trouble.
Emma is much more confident in her magic from the occurrence in the last book. Her magic has amplified and she has confidently taken over as the Green witch. She mentions that she tours the kingdom every few weeks by magic carpet to deal with problems like harpies. In the climax it's revealed that her magical ability has grown.
Eadric and Emma go through their usual fights when Eadric wants to go back with her. This is a bit predictable and pointless, as we know Eadric will come with us. Also, Emma gets upset when Hazel flirts with Eadric. The situation is similar to the mermaids and the outcome is the same.
Grassina is no longer the women we knew. She is vindictive and nasty. She often takes the form of a giant lizard and goes around the castle scaring people.
Lil travels with Eadric and Emma back in time. Although she isn't in the story much, her character does rather suddenly and perhaps not believably, fall in love.
Garrid is one of many suitors to Hazel, and seems to have a secret. He goes off every morning and leaves the castle.
Princess Millie is the younger sister of Hazel and looks similar to Emma with her auburn hair. She is much kinder and friendlier than her sister. She has a secret of her own.
Princess Hazel is the beautiful, older sister who commands a strong influence of how the castle is run because of her magic. She is selfish, self-absorbed and vapid. Her magic consists of mainly using plants.
The tapestry of the green witch that appeared in the second book is revealed in this book, although it seems different. Emma takes the same items as last time, a piece of string, a candle stub, a square piece of cloth, and this time some salve from Ralf. Three of these items get used.
Emma finds a dungeon of skeletons.
Their is alcohol at Hazel's party and the Swamp Fairy gets so drunk that she falls asleep and doesn't wake until a day later.
I have one big criticism and in order to explain it I am going to have to spoil a part of the book. There is a romance between a human—a vampire, and the Bat Lil. I think being an adult I found it weird. Lil is just a bat. Not a bat with human intelligence, not a bat who can do magic. Just a bat, an animal that Emma can communicate with because she is a witch. And Garrid can communicate with her because he is a vampire. But...she is still an animal and he a human.
It felt like bestiality to me. And it felt unnecessary in the book as well, as Lil is barely in the story and her infatuation seems childlike and silly. I think it would have added to the book if Millie had been in love with him instead, so when she found it, it would have affected her and she would have to overcome her bigotry. As well as Emma, who believes vampires to be evil. And then we could have actually gotten to know the character of Garrid. But he becomes as two dimensional as Lil. Also, when Garrid shows up to find Lil, we never understand why Emma suddenly thinks its okay. Are vampires suddenly not evil?
I still like the story but it's inferior to the last two. Eadric's and Emma's relationship seems to be going in a circle and is rather predictable. And the subplot of Lil and Garrid feels forced and odd. I give “Once upon a curse” three and half stars.

What do you think? Did you read this book? Agree or disagree with me on any points? Please let me know!
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